A casino with a panoramic view of the harbor is planned

A new casino could soon be built in southern Spain. It is part of a redevelopment project to renovate the port of Uelba. Leisure, gourmet and gambling offers are planned to become tourist attractions. 슬롯머신

The inner port of Uelba, which houses the so-called “Muel de Levante,” a pier just near the city center, will be redesigned. According to the city of Uelba, a 80,000-square-meter commercial and leisure area will be created here. The large-scale open area facing the sea will allow first-class cultural and leisure activities in the future and will have moorings for luxury yachts and cruise ships.

There is also a plan to build a panorama tower that can accommodate hotels and casinos. This means that a casino project could soon be born in southern Spain to compete with Madrid or Barcelona’s controversial “EuroVegas” plan for years. Uelba’s infrastructure is no less advantageous. There are two airports within an hour’s drive, and there is a good road connection with the railway network.

According to port authorities, the port is already a popular tourist destination in Andalusia. Redesigning the port not only changes the entire face of the estuary, but rather upgrades the entire port city through new hotel areas and potential casinos.

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