The fight against illegal operators was made a priority for the French regulator in 2021

The online casino sites in France are not allowed for use. The main reason for this decision was the risk of addiction and the absence of customers’ protection. Moreover, there were cases of non-payment of winnings to the customers.

Actions that the ANJ takes:

A report of illegal content by agents of the ANJ.
The official announcement to the editor and the host of the website to forbid access to the illegal content.
Referral to the president of the judicial tribunal of Paris.
Injunction made to the main Internet service providers (French) to block the illegal site.
In 2020, there were 281 domain names blocked that were owned by 125 different gambling operators without licenses.

The ANJ is able to block any illegal site with aggressive content only after the president of the judicial tribunal of Paris admits these websites as illegal. Cbet and were the exact this kind of gambling sites. In June 2021, there were 560 000 visits recorded, so the president ordered blocking these sites by the main French Internet access providers. The websites were offering such games as “JetX”. The mirror sites were also blocked, so the operator couldn’t circumvent the blocking.

The gambling sites were offering customers to bet on an unauthorized gambling offer using cryptocurrency. Any cryptocurrency is not allowed on the sites of authorized operators who are required to fight against fraud, money laundering, and terrorism. 슬롯머신

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