521 billion GG shortstop returns…trade value ‘rises’

One of the most obvious fits for him is the Toronto Blue Jays.”

Ha-Sung Kim (29, San Diego Padres) is back at shortstop after a two-year absence. Manager Mike Schildt announced on Sunday that he would trade Kim for Xander Bogaerts in a defensive swap. For Kim, who has already seen his value rise, this is a great opportunity for him to increase his value based on his performance this season.

The Athletic reported on Saturday that Kim Ha-seong is unlikely to be traded before the Seoul Series, let alone after the Seoul Series, due to a qualifying offer issue. The report cited the rule that a prospective free agent who is traded during the season cannot receive a qualifying offer from the team after the season.

The question is what happens if Kim is traded after the Seoul Series, but before the opening day of the major league season on the mainland. While San Diego and the Dodgers are in season, the other 28 teams are still in the off-season. In this case, the team that traded for Kim would have to wait for a ruling from the Major League Baseball office to determine if they can exercise their qualifying offer rights to Kim after the season.

However, it’s literally just a rule issue. In the end, The Athletic’s point doesn’t mean much because Kim will most likely be moved right before the trade deadline. If San Diego is in a position to contend for a postseason berth, it’s possible they’ll keep him, but if not, it’s very possible they’ll trade him. Teams that are buyers just before the trade deadline in order to win a championship don’t necessarily think about the qualifying offer for a prospective free agent.

Heavy.com reported on Sunday that Kim’s trade is still highly likely. General manager A.J. Preller has made it sound like he’ll keep Kim, but he doesn’t announce trades in advance. Citing San Diego’s payroll cuts, Heavy.com believes it is unlikely that they will return to their big-spending ways anytime soon.

The Toronto Blue Jays and St. Louis Cardinals were also mentioned as potential suitors for Kim. “The most obvious fit for Kim is Toronto. They are looking for a contender this offseason and could use an infield upgrade. A trade package including Dalton Basho would 메이저사이트 pique San Diego’s interest. They would need to add at least one other player (besides Basho) to get Ha-Sung Kim.”

Heavy.com continues, “St. Louis could put together a trade package that could fill holes in the Padres’ roster, particularly in the outfield. They have a variety of outfielders and relievers. They could be a good matchup.” San Diego has a definite need to bolster its outfield after losing Juan Soto and Trent Grisham (both to the New York Yankees).

Heavy.com believes a trade for Kim will happen in the summer. “Preller has said a trade won’t happen before Opening Day, but he will seriously consider it before the trade deadline. Otherwise, they risk letting Kim walk after the 2024 season for nothing,” said the source. This means that Kim will almost certainly decline the mutual option for 2025.


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